Creative Computing - Skills Focus

Games Design and Development

I have an Excellent grasp of the design, development and delivery of digital games and apps for desktop, the web and mobile: including games and services embedded in everyday contexts. I am familiar with user/human centred design processes and agile methods of project management.

I'm experienced with:

Games Engines: Excellent: Unity 3D (10+ experience); Good: UE4; Other frameworks: Ogre; Cocos2D; OpenGL: Familiar/Good;

Games Networking and Multiplayer Solutions: Unity based; Photon; UDP: Excellent;

Games Physics: 2D Physics Based Animation, Rigging and Gameplay: Excellent;

Games Pipeline: 3D assets and animation (Modo, Zbrush, Maya): Excellent; VR and 360 Video production: Good; Fabric Engine: learning;

Games Interaction: Unity integration with web, hardware and installations: Excellent;

Games Programming: Unity C#: Excellent; See 'Languages' (in Misc. below);

Creative Coding

I have a full appreciation of the creative coding, devart and live coding toolkits: open source and others:

Languages: Native Mac and iOS: Obj-C: Good Learning Swift; C; C++: Excellent; Good Python; Javascript: Excellent; PHP: Excellent;

Visual programming: Max/Jitter, Max for Live, Pure Data, Quartz Composer, VVVV, Vuo; Excellent;

Apps: Unity (my current tool of choice); Processing (java); Flash (deprecated); Excellent; Supercollider; ChucK; Good;

Frameworks: OpenFrameworks, Cinder, ARToolkit; OpenCV; processing.js; Extensions (e.g. Max Objects, Quartz Composer patches);

Full-Stack Javascript/C# Developer with Design and Teaching Skills

Core Web: HTML5, XML; SVG; Excellent

Server Admin: MAMP; Excellent server admin and management: Mac, Apache, MySQL, PHP;

MEAN - Good grasp of the contemporary javascript stack;

Javascript - Excellent. Good jquery, node.js, express; decent/recent angular.js

Web Design: CSS: Excellent; Sass: Good; Sketch, Photoshop and prototyping tools: Excellent;

Web 3D: Good: WebGL (three.js, PixiJS); Unity: Excellent;

Data Modelling: MySQL; NoSQL; Schema Design; Mac/iOS: CoreData (SQLlite)

Data Visualisation: D3.js; Chart.js; Timeline; Nodebox; Excel; Google Charts; Various Mapping APIs; Excellent. Automated data preparation and manipulation: Good;

Frameworks/Platforms: familiar/good: angular.js; ember.js, node.js, D3.js;

Server, Network, and Hosting Environments: 2004-2013 - Server Administration - At UWL for several digital design orientated courses, I administrated a Unix / Mac OS X Server setup in and for an educational context; Scope: Multiuser, hosting, server maintenance, backup, security, remote admin.

Server Scripting: Package management, front-end, service selection and configuration;

Unix: Shell; Good/Excellent:

Business Analysis: App Design and Iteration

UWL Teaching: design research methodologies; agile techniques; JISC Project: on web service design in education;

API layer / Action Layer / MVC: working knowledge of API design: REST, SOAP, JSON, and the MVC patterns in Cocoa (Mac / iOS), PHP and elsewhere; This is important in contemporary games development when using a variety of web services.

UI and App Prototyping: Good: Sketch, Origami, Avocado, Pixate, Phonegap for Mobile and Web; Fluid; Framer; etc.

Version Control: git; Excellent;

User Experience Research: Excellent: Application of Qualitative Methods; User Research and Personas; Interviewing and Observational Paradigms;

Unit Testing Methodology: familiar: sessions at Apple’s WWDC on Obj-C Unit tests; Ruby-On-Rails; Learning: Karma and Jasmin for javascript applications / angular.js

Productivity: Excellent: Excel, Word, Basecamp; Omnifocus, Omniplan; Evernote; Trello;

Documentation Excellent: Latex and related: automated document production;


OS: UNIX, Mac Expert: OS X: Admin, Networking, automation; Troubleshooting: Excellent.

Real-time Audio/Synthesis: Max/MSP - Excellent; Logic; PD, ChucK, Reaktor: Good;

Hardware: Arduino; Raspberry Pi; PIC / Micro controllers; Good / Excellent electronics: Good (I come from a family of electricians);

Coding IDEs: Xcode; MonoDevelop, Coda, Sublime Text; Textmate; Excellent; Creating and managing coding / development environments: Excellent;

Any questions? Please send a message.

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